Mungkin teman teman ingin mencoba menggunakan tools yang ada di Kali Linux, tetapi kalian tidak ingin langsung menginstal kali linux nya, nah dengan Katoolin ini kali bisa menginstal nya dengan mudah.(Mind that I had previous experience on Dual BootingOn the Remote Server PIP Install -r Requirements. Kali Linux juga bersifat Live CD dan Installasi manual. But since I had a (relatively old, low end) laptop to spare, I took the plunge and installed Kali on the machine.Kali Linux memiliki 300 tools yang ada di dalamnya dengan fungsi masing-masing.
So I am thinking of switching over to Ubuntu (or maybe Fedora/Mint/CentOS). OTOH, I found Ubuntu and other Linux communities to be a lot friendlier and helpful. I have a machine which I decided to screw up, and I am alright with screwing up the OS and having to install it all over again.